Crate a financial life of confidence, security, and happiness

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[00:00:00] Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the endless flood of financial advice out there? Do you struggle to sift through contradictory tips, feeling unsure about what's best for you and your family's future? You probably don't have to imagine. We've all been taught for decades to take on risk, just to hope for decent growth, only to then feel stuck and out of control when the markets shift.

Well, what if you could take back that control? What if you could grow your wealth safely, earn multiple returns on every dollar and enjoy financial freedom with complete peace of mind? My name's John Perrings. I'm an Authorized Infinite Banking Practitioner and this is StackedLife. During my 20 year career in Silicon Valley high tech, I saw first hand how institutional investors used money very differently than the average saver.

They didn't take risks to get a high return. The big money institutions knew that if they had control over a high quality asset, they could create multiple rates of return on every [00:01:00] asset they acquired. I eventually discovered the infinite banking concept that brought these institutional principles down to the you and me level.

After living these principles for over a decade, I now enjoy a peaceful, secure financial life, and I'm here to show you how to do the same. Here's what I know. Financial freedom doesn't require risk, but it does require control. By mastering The Infinite Banking Concept and using whole life insurance in strategic ways, you can achieve lasting financial independence.

After years of educating thousands and helping hundreds directly, it's my mission to teach you these powerful strategies. Every week on this podcast, I'll share everything you need to know about Infinite Banking, whole life insurance, and the systems and strategies that make them work. Through solo episodes, case studies, and expert interviews, you'll discover how to simplify your finances, build wealth and gain peace of mind.

Together we'll [00:02:00] unpack the tools, tactics, and principles that can transform your entire financial life. Some episodes will break down specific principles, frameworks or lessons, while others will feature stories from people who've used these strategies to secure their family's future. So if you're someone who's feeling overwhelmed by financial information overload, looking for clear, actionable guidance to achieve financial freedom, subscribe to StackedLife wherever you get your podcasts.

Take control of your financial future and start living a life of confidence, security, and happiness.

Crate a financial life of confidence, security, and happiness
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